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Plan Lead Grow

Art. Nr.: ISBN 978-3-86582-970-2
Systematic Approaches to Success
24,90 € *

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The basis of the book is the book "Planen Führen Wachsen", whereby the English edition has been cleaned up by some chapters which would not have been so interesting for the international readers because of the purely German reference. New chapters with an international reference have been added.


Did you know that in your company half of the current projects are probably superfluous, why it is wrong ambition to motivate employees or why it is sometimes better not to form teams?

Guido Quelle and his colleagues answer these and many other questions. Entrepreneurial change projects fail both because of their imprecise definition and their inconsistent implementation. This book shows how a consistent methodology can contribute not only to thinking about entrepreneurial plans, but also to putting them into practice. Ideas and approaches are presented that can all be put into practice because they originate from practice.

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