
Where do you want to go? Strategy and brand provide orientation and set your company on the path to growth.

Millions are hidden in the interfaces.
At which points can barriers to growth be cleared away?

Sales is the most important unit when it comes to growth. How can your sales force be a genuine engine for growth?

What Our Clients Say

“Mandat quickly asked the right questions, then identified and articulated the main areas of action for further growth, enabling us to tackle these issues in a structured manner. It is clear that Mandat is highly practice-oriented – for us as an SME this is indispensable.”

Dr. Andreas Jäger

Managing Partner,
Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH

“Inspired by Guido Quelle’s book Profitable Growth, I have solved many of our internal barriers to growth. This book is one of the main reasons why we continue to enjoy profitable and healthy growth today.”

Martin Terzer

Managing Director,
Josef Recheis GmbH, Hall i. T., Austria

“Growth is vital and Dr. Quelle revealed new perspectives to us through his brilliant talk.”

Dr. Peter Spary

Chief Executive Officer,
Verein zur Förderung der Wettbewerbswirtschaft e.V.

“In many companies today, growth is viewed from a very one-dimensional standpoint. Professor Quelle reminded us in an inspiring way what growth really means and how easy it can be to achieve growth when every employee in the company recognizes and internalizes the true meaning of growth.”

Josef Siess

Management Board,
Billa AG

“You have succeeded in an exceptional way in explaining to an automotive-trade audience a completely different effect of “brakes.” Your practical examples also helped to improve understanding. Thanks to your advice, our member companies will develop appropriate strategies to release any brakes on growth.”

Marita Kloster and Hans Jürgen Wahlen,

Managing Director, Gesamtverband Autoteile-Handel (GVA) e.V., Ratingen

“They addressed the challenges faced by an engineering service provider in a targeted and structured manner and presented feasible solutions with the requisite depth. The added value is visible!”

Norman Beherzig

Managing Director,
GET Planungsgesellschaft Energietechnik GmbH

“The confidence of your presentation aroused the intense interest of the participants. Your free manner of speaking and support of the content with easy-to-understand examples from everyday life were particularly decisive in capturing the undivided attention of the audience. You thus contributed greatly to the success of German Consultants’ Day”.

Christoph Weyrather

Managing Director,
Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater BDU e. V.

“It was great having you with us, and I really enjoyed having the opportunity of hearing you speak.”

Phillipine Racz

HSMA Deutschland e.V.

Experience us

Some 80 companies head to the cloister to discuss growth, strategy and brand. Be part of the Seeon Community.

Secure growth expertise packaged as a motivational talk, a keynote speech or for internal company events.

Promote your own personal growth goals with a capable sparring partner at your side.

Discover our Mandat Growth Indicator®, books, studies, videos or free professional articles and make practical use of our knowledge.

We help companies grow profitably.

Everything we do is focused on generating growth: profitable, sustainable, healthy growth – from within. Growth is not about strength and size, but about intelligence and speed, about prioritizing and omission, about sensibility and contour.

If you have a lot of good ideas but lack the necessary staff to implement them; if you are down-to-earth enough to sit down at the table with an independent third party; if you want to trim your company for profitable growth over the long term and are looking for an active, experienced impetus provider and sparring partner committed to shared goals with you, we look forward to working with you and your team on the path to growth – not only in the conceptualization, but also in the joint implementation of changes to take your company to a new level of growth.

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