Wachstumsprojekte: „Early Warning Signals in Projects“

A colleague from the US recently asked me for some „… early warning signals that a project is going astray or not delivering on its promise …“
Here’s my answer:

Early warning signals

You need to seriously review the setting of your growth project or to reconsider the project at all if you recognize one or more of the following aspects:

– People are not showing up at the reviews
– Reviews are not implemented or don’t happen on a regular basis
– People are complaining about the project
– Project manager is always asking project sponsor for permission
– People ask their bosses „do you want me to do my job and reach my goals or do you want me to take part in the project?“
– The formal hierarchy trumps the project organization
– Ambitious goals are smoothened
– Over-ambitious goals
– Too many controllers (or no controllers) in the team
– Frequent team changes

You get the idea …

Guido Quelle

(c) 2011, Prof. Dr. Guido Quelle, Mandat Managementberatung GmbH, All rights reserved.